“Sharon’s assessment of the situation was thorough but tactful, and her analysis astute but also challenging. She took a co-operative approach, working with all of us, and came up with practical solutions which were quickly and widely adopted”

National Trust 

“I felt instantly at ease with Sharon, and able to work with complete trust from the beginning of the first session (for me a vital ingredient to effective coaching) Sessions are positive, challenging, thought provoking and profound. Sharon uses a range of techniques, and has a knack of picking the right approach. I always learn something of real value. Sharon is insightful, professional and experienced – a talented coach”

Buckinghamshire County Council 


What is developing?

At Collier Consultancy, we believe that developing a business can only be done by developing its people. This can take the form of training, coaching and mentoring, all with a specific target goal in mind.

Who is developing for?

We work alongside staff members and teams at all levels of business, from shop floor to the board room, in organisations of any size and across any sector.

In general, we develop:

  • Teams so they can work more effectively together and perform at their best
  • Managers in order to help them be good bosses
  • Employees in areas such as impact and influence, stress management, flexible thinking, stakeholder management and creative thinking
  • Line managers, internal specialists and business partner to improve their coaching skills

What is involved?

Because people learn best when they are engaged, having fun and when their learning is directly linked to their day job, we work closely with our clients to make sure that each event is designed to deliver these three equally important components.

As John Whitmore, Chairman of Performance Consultants international, says: “The distinction between          performance, learning and enjoyment becomes blurred, and at the limit of this merger lies what is often described as the peak performance.”

Types of developing

Developing Good Bosses

Really great organisations recognise the importance of investing in developing their line managers, so that they, in turn, can develop their people in their teams. Working in partnership with the Good Boss Company we use an online psychometric tool for individuals to asses their own line manager and for the line        managers to assess themselves.

The line manager receives their report and feedback in a confidential 1-2-1, after which they can access development modules to improve their own ability as a boss in areas such as:

  • Leading changes
  • Effective communication
  • Valuing people
  • Problem solving and decision making
  • Building trust
  • Assertiveness

Developing teams

Knowing what makes a high performing team is fairly easy, but creating and maintaining one takes persistence, courage and determination. The benefits, however, are enormous and can be felt through an entire organisation as well as within the team itself.

Using business expert and author Patrick Lencioni’s Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team model, we work with teams to explore the five areas of:

  • Results
  • Accountability
  • Commitment
  • Conflict
  • Trust

Developing individuals

Whether there are just a few or many thousands, the individuals that make up an organisations’ staff are valuable assets without which the business simply would not function. Investing in their development is     vital, and we can offer sessions as short and snappy as a couple of hours, covering topics such as:

  • Impact and influence
  • Stress management
  • Building resilience
  • Flexible thinking
  • Introduction to MBTI
  • Communication styles
  • Stakeholder management
  • Creative thinking
  • Delighting customers

Developing coaching skills

More and more organisations are recognising the importance of coaching as a key skill for staff including line managers, business partners and internal consultants. Coaching for Success is an internally delivered, flexible coaching programme for 8-10 participants which runs in two parts:

  • Part One – participants receive confidential 1-2-1 coaching in which they can work towards their own goals and experience what it is like to be a coachee.
  • Part Two – participants are equipped with the skills, tools and confidence to be able to coach others within their organisation.